AT&T: Famous Mouths

Client: AT&T
Agency: Critical Mass
Discipline: Design/Art Direction

Just before COVID, I was hired as a Digital AD at Critical Mass to help bring these video spots for AT&T Google Assistant to life in social & digital. My team and I directed the storyboards for our video cut downs and animations taking care that all typography, color, and placement was consistent across all touchpoints.

Famous Mouths


Powered by Google Assistant, AT&T TV's voice remote lets you request whatever you want to see. Find playlists, jump between streaming apps and even control your smart home appliances. Seeing celebrities from nose to chin is not how we usually picture them, but AT&T has made that mouth view standard to promote the new voice command technology. In a series of spots, Lebron James is seen from the nose to beard, asking his remote to “play basketball” and other commands, like “play Tom & Jerry”. But then we had some fun, by bringing in top celebrities – people, musicians, puppets and animations.




Client: AT&T
Agency: Critical Mass
Discipline: Senior Art Director